
Our locations

With our more than 110 employees in whole Taiwan, we are accepting resource recyclables and waste all the way from Kaohsiung to Taipei. In addition to our head office in Taipei, we serve customers from all regions in our plastic recycling plant in Nantou and our industrial service plant in Taoyuan.

REMONDIS' business locations

The REMONDIS Group’s locations

Discover the world of REMONDIS with its approx. 900 branches and associated companies in over 30 countries across Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia.

The REMONDIS Group’s locations

Producing SRF since 2003 – and still running! - 2022/09/23

The Taiwanese SRF market is developing rapidly these years, but this country has yet to see its first big plant in operation. We can’t wait until that day finally comes. Meanwhile in Germany, the SRF market already took off back in the late 90’s and early 2000’s with the implementation of the TaSi regulation, which mandated the pre-treatment of household waste before being sent to landfill sites to minimize the organic content in them.

The REMONDIS mechanical biological treatment (MBT) plant in Erftstadt is a great example of our long-term and successful experience with the SRF business in Europe. Today, we want to introduce to you our SRF plant in Erftstadt and focus on the fact that a long-term successful operation of SRF plants is possible but requires deep experience like which REMONDIS has gathered over the years.


How these little flakes can help boilers to reduce their carbon emissions - 2022/04/08

Do these flakes look valuable to you? Or do they just look like trash to you? Yeah, they somehow do…
Well, we call them SRF (solid recovered fuel) and actually, these flakes are an important key to reaching our climate targets all around the world.
So indeed, they are quite valuable. Let us explain how. We guarantee that you are going to be surprised! 


REMONDIS Taiwan Co., Ltd.